

There is more to behaviour than meets the eye ...

Our mission is to make psychological and social phenomena comprehensible. We explore human behaviours and social (inter-)actions both at the micro level of the individual and at the macro level of social structures and processes. We indentify the determinants, barriers, and triggers of human behaviours, and we pave the way to a successful intervention strategy aimed at modifying behaviours. We supply research-based cornerstones of appropriate intervention programmes. And we will evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention programme once it has been implemented.

A company you can trust and rely on, RCBS Europe is dedicated to carrying out high quality research and delivering results that noticeably advance your scientific insight or promote your business. While we are accustomed to serving ambitious clients who need to stick to tight timings and limited budgets, we do our job in a flexible, friendly, enthusiastic and discreet manner. Above all that, we comply with the rules of good scientific practice as provided by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG), with national data protection acts, and with relevant ethical guidelines and codes of conduct issued by ESOMAR, BVM, and BDP.

Datenschutzerklärung (data protection declaration)